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mom style blog

fashion, style

Plaid and Flares

I can’t help but think of Joanna telling off Peter in Office Space when ever I hear the word ‘flair’ (or ‘flare’ because, you know, they sound the same). “Yeah. You know what, yeah, I do. I do want…

rag and bone fedora
fashion, style

Rag & Bone Fedora

The one non-negotiable in my momiform is a quality hat. KW and I went to Rag and Bone while he was still on paternity leave and I tried on a bunch of their hats for fun. We ended up leaving…


My Birth Story

I’ve gone back and forth about sharing not because I wanted to keep it private, but because I’m still digesting everything that happened. Before labor began, it was like any other night at my house. KW was making dinner, my…

fashion, style, toddler style

Mommy and Me Style (All on Sale!)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 After discovering the adorable mommy/daughter style blogging duo @ScoutFashion a few months ago, it’s safe to say coordinating mom and me outfits have been on my brain.…

pleated midi skirt
fashion, style

A Year in Review: 2014

2014 was such a great year for us and I can’t believe it’s almost over. Looking back, there were a few key things that helped make it an outstanding year, but the indescribable mini-moments made it memorable. Here’s a quick…

fashion, style

Splatter Paint

The past few days have been spent in Arizona celebrating, relaxing and, of course, visiting with friends and family. On Christmas Eve we drove to my hometown, Tucson, where my brother and I gave The Banker a locals-only tour…

fashion, style

Pretty Python

Sampling every trend can leave you looking like a poser (Oh hey, high-school self!).  That said, it’s tough to resist slithering up to snakeskin. These shoes boast just the right amount of python and the contrasting t-straps add an extra…


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