
My Summer Workout Plan

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen and heard me talking about Anna Victoria’s Fit Body app. I’m a bit of a fitness junkie and always love trying new things at the gym so I don’t get burned out and continue learning and new things. Since I’ve been using it for three months now so I figured it was time to evaluate how it’s been working share my results so far with my internet besties (no matter how unconformable me being in my undies makes me)! 

When I started the app, my goal was to maintain where I was at with muscle mass and most importantly, try a new routine to keep things fresh and keep me motivated. I was happy with the way I looked before I started, but starting to lose motivation. Being in the gym on my own, it’s always easy to talk myself out of that seemingly unnecessary last set. Everyone has their own secret sauce at the gym and mine tends to change every 6 months or so because I get bored and start to notice that my benchmark (muscle mass, endurance, etc) isn’t changing. My secret sauce before this was doing the workouts my trainer and I did when I trained with him, but honestly, I would go through the same workout, but use a lighter weight or do one less set and because I was doing fine, right?  I was still working hard, after all!

Okay, so what are you signing up for with this? I did the Sculpt program that geared at sculpting your muscles and since I wanted to maintain muscle mass and I was used to lifting weight it seemed like the best fit. Depending on your goal, you can also do a ‘shred’ or ‘tone’ program. In sculpt, each workout is about 60 min long. Start with 15 min of HITT cardio. I usually run on the treadmill at a 6.5 pace and finish with some sprints. Before you jump into the lifting component, you go into a quick but effective warm up then get right to your 3 supersets. You’ll go through each set 4 times and end with a burnout which is two different exercises you do until you feel like you will die if you continue. For quad + glute day, the burn out might be narrow glute bridges and side squat blast-offs. It’s intense. 

best at-home glute workouts

I did the Sculpt program that geared at sculpting your muscles and since I wanted to maintain muscle mass and I was used to lifting weight it seemed like the best fit. Depending on your goal, you can also do a ‘shred’ or ‘tone’ program. In sculpt, each workout is about 60 min long. Start with 15 min of HITT cardio. I usually run on the treadmill at a 6.5 pace and finish with some sprints. Before you jump in to the lifting component, you go in to a quick but effective warmup then get right to your 3 supersets. You’ll go through each set 4 times and end with a burnout which is two different exercises you do until you feel like you will die if you continue. For glute day, the burn out might be narrow glute bridges and side squat blast-offs. It’s intense.

Here’s what a week of workouts looks like:


Quads + Glutes + Cardio


Back + Arms + Core


Yoga Core class at my gym


Hamstring + Glutes + Cardio


Chest + Shoulders + Cardio


Cardio + Core


4-5 mile run or rest day

Like all good things, discipline is key. Picking this app up definitely helped get my momentum back and get more disciplined. Honestly, I am used to pushing myself somewhat hard or in the best of times, working out with a trainer so I wasn’t expecting to see much a physical difference after using the app, but it turned out that having to stick to a program like this for 3 months works for me! Check out those glutes. 🙂 I was happy to see that my derrière got a little perkier and my core is a tiny bit more defined too. Throughout my use of the app, I gained confidence, but not so much about my physical self (although it was nice to see a positive change) I really benefitted from being able to go in to the gym by myself with a solid plan and the guidance I need to get in killer workout. The physical changes were a nice surprise, but the mental shift it guided me through was the best part.

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