
What Was So Cool About First Grade?

fjallraven kanken backpack pink
Last night, we went to Harlowe’s open house at school and saw all the things she has been working on this year. I can’t believe she only has 8 more days of first grade! This year has been such a transformative period of academic growth for Harlowe and I am sure, for most first-graders. It’s been awesome seeing her learn so much and also witnessing her personality continue to develop. She’s getting sassier, smarter and more opinionated by the day. Here’s some of the cool first grade things she’s been up to:

She learned to read independently and while she’s not reading War and Peace or anything she’s way more independent and confident with her reading now that she’s been practicing consistently through first-grade. I wrote about some of our favorite books right now and I would love to hear your suggestions, especially if you have some for second-grade girls.

Every day when Gunnar and I go to pick her up she gives Gunnar a big hug and asks him or me about his day. Of course, there are times like last night when she angrily tells him, ‘you are not my friend’, but seeing her hug him every day at pick up tells me they are best friends.

She does all the writing.  Lists, notes to friends, journals about her plants and our daily schedule. She writes everything down and her inventive spelling KILLS me with cuteness. We have a weekly schedule on the fridge and she wrote her schedule for this which I have to share because I die.  I’ve made a little key below if you get a little confused. 🙂 Honestly, I think she did really good though! The drawings are courtesy of Gunnar. It’s a snake, obviously.

Getar = guitar
Nugle = snuggle (Gunnar calls it ‘nuggle’ so we’ve all adopted the vernacular because we are not the type of parents that correct our kid’s adorable mispronunciations.)
The weekends are ‘normale day’ which is obviously a normal day and it makes my heart so happy that she thinks of weekends as or ‘normal’ day.

She’s got money on her mind! One of the coolest thing about first-graders is that they start to understand that things cost money, they can count money and naturally, they want to earn money! We use the Rooster Money App  to give her an allowance which she earns by having good behavior. When she earns enough she can get things she likes such as frozen yogurt or chokers. Yes, she LOVES chokers!
fjallraven kanken backpack pink
She loves making art. Like many, the girl loves her screen time and one surefire way I can pull her away from the screen is to do art projects with her. Along with performing, she loves to draw anything and everything, but right now princesses are a big hit. I read here that art tactile projects use a part of the brain that’s not used when speaking so I’m hoping she keeps this appreciation for art up! I don’t see it going away any time soon and am most looking forward to seeing her ballet and hip-hop performance this June!

Outfit details for those interested: Shirt and pants from Zara / backpack (wikibuy operates as a website and Chrome extension that finds you the best deals on your favorite products!) / Gunnar’s shirt

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